domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009

just great

"Is your beautiful red hair color natural?"
"It's not red."
"Well thank you miss please go ahead!"

Thanks TSA Homeland Security man. 

It's 5.50 am and the SD airport is pathetic. What's even more pathetic is a bro just winked at me.
And I'm not talking Chad Bro Chill bro. I'm talking East County listen to Pennywise and go 'ffroading in Santee bro. 
 Listen, this is not the time nor place to play games. 

Okay for those of you who have never been to Voyeur in SD i must describe this.

There are girlz. I mean sexy slutty girls, in cut off belly shirts, or dominatrix bikini tops and fishnet tights dancing. But not on the dancefloor, because voyeur has a dress code and is too classy for that. In fact, they are in the SPEAKERS. Yes thats right, there are sections cut out of a $20000000000000~ dollar speaker system / light show wall imported from Berlin, JUST PERFECT for sexy dancers. They take turns. I liked the blonde one best. Duh, because its SANdY EgGo! 

But really. SMD on that sound system was ridic. 

I went skydiving with Mag. I think I'm going to get certified and make a year out of it. 
Not kidding.

I'm going to the DR. Let your acronym fantasies go wild.

Guess how many extreme sports I'm going to do there...

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2009

Pigott 206 = Fusion Lounge Internet.

my apologies for the posting delay. you know, all of you readers out there. right.
happy hour, party of 1?

speaking of happy hour... soon enough I will never have to feign my identity to a bouncer ever again! Dear big, lonely, very bitter, small-packaged security guard man at Neumos: Watch the fuck out babe, I'm comin'.

The liquor&wine wamu skyline gets more beautiful every evening (from our bomb shelter). Urban living. I think we've decided on Habitat for Humanity by day, Cuff Link by night. Any thoughts?

My regards go out to Janet. Janet told me I'm going to Chile! No, that's not right. Ok, I'm going to Africa (bambaataa)!!!! WRONG AGAIN. Give the girl a break and let me know or else this PPP (no, not purchasing power parity, but rather parentalpowerpresentation) will be a bust!!!

I love fitness. Yeah! But running 26 consecutive miles? I witnessed Maggie and Alexa's completion of the Portland Marathon this past weekend. Insane. Your eyes play tricks on you once you watched over a thousand running shorts/soggy spandex frames run by.


viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2009

Spring Quarter may have been defined by the token phrase: Spring Surprise/It's Been A While (itsbeeenawhiiiiiiiile)

But it's fall now. It's starting. 1250 miles of road ahead, and only one thing in store:
REALITY CHECK. The new reality show. An extension to the previously viewed Real World Seattle: Kitty Kat Mansion. Opening day festivities commencing with a slip n slide from 17th down to 14th, over to Pine, and up Thomas.

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009

Let me see your grill? You wanna see my what?


Decoration dilemma: Swarovski crystals or barbie stick-on earrings?

jueves, 27 de agosto de 2009

Why you should talk to good looking strangers.

A stranger. With, some bread and a jar of miracle whip?

Listen now, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Stranger Danger lead us to a cove where an unopened Newcastle beer floated safely into our possession, slightly chilled.

The mega million ($375) is tomorrow.

Bought 5 quikpix, meaning my chances are obviously extremely high, mind you.

$2 million goes to StrangeDange.

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2009

jobros spectacular.

A rare occasion has brought me to publish this entry.
The Jonas Brothers World Tour 2009 Los Angeles Staples Center.
That's right, I'am proud to say that I am a survivor. Despite the fact that my ears were blown out before the concert even started due to the shrieks of 20,000 female teenage fiends worshiping three brothers who turned in their mediocre new jersey lives for stardom and two rolling stone covers while sporting their chastity rings, and despite that their music makes me cringe and their ever-changing uptown/downtown collage of outfits induce optical illusions and nausea upon viewers of legal age, I will give them this: their show was outstanding. Forget the pop-rock riffs and terribly scripted dialogue on stage; they had fucking foam guns, rotating and elevating platforms, a rain machine that rained words, phrases, and the Jonas Brothers crest, and for god's sake a fuckin TRAMPOLINE on stage. I'd say it was comprable to a cirque de soleil show, or even Celine Dion in Las Vegas (I have not been to Celine, I'm just sayin'...)
If you ask me if I would do it again? No; once is enough. Would I pay a hundred bucks to watch my 14 year old sister sing her heart out with her two best friends and drop her inhibitions of being a teeny-bopper to engage in this global cult of JoBro fandom? Well I guess the damage is done.
Next musical ventures:
Soco Music Experience -- Ghostland Ob.
HOB - Atmosphere.
Del Mar Races -- Devo.
Street-Scene San Diego.
The Pixies -- Doolittle Tour.

domingo, 2 de agosto de 2009

that's what's up.

or what has been up for that matter.


events events events!

jueves, 9 de julio de 2009

atlas sound micromix 4.09



delayed findings


domingo, 5 de julio de 2009


Fourth of July festivities were a success -- ultimately leading to an unforgettable account of Speech Game delivered by none other than Joel Mayne. A special twist: misuse of glow sticks and talk of flying tits? Thank you Bohemia!

martes, 30 de junio de 2009



lunes, 29 de junio de 2009


today the passat was broken into. i just went for a quick swim and away goes not only my burts bees, ray bans, and firenze purse but more importantly my debit/credit cards, ids (inc. the fake, ouch), and my salamanca notebook (bearing digits attributed to my social security, passport, and banking accounts).

now that's what I call D1

jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

we're going

or returning.

from here:

to here:

from this:

(courtesy of pike/pine)

to this:

martes, 19 de mayo de 2009

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2009


Jackie: "Did i die last night? Wow... I think the dance move of the night was the hair whip."

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009


most say its the unattainable utopia; but ladies and gents, it's RL.

a glimpse of what it could be and what it is.

every scar, every rough edge, every mismatched piece, every gouge; they are the risks. some pieces are returned, some are still missing. they stay open as a reminder.


viernes, 8 de mayo de 2009

the cheese stands alone

let's call it the Spring Spectrum.

a pregame for the midlife crisis.

we're young and selfish.

invincible and eager.

6 stories of fallic art and 6 stories in a b.w. photograph

do you see it? its the end of the night and we're here. we're not all here. none of us are here. where !!!!!!!!!

i've commenced my plan for international social dev. -- caged dancers inside or outside above the entrance? El Padrino -- a LDC millenium goal. Direct funding from the scorpion king!

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2009


io sono polemica

sono quello che voglio.


domingo, 19 de abril de 2009

net more for your netwerk.

blogging in Europe failed miserably.

now that I've been home I have more to do thus more potential for procrastination resulting in a terrible desire to BLOG.X.S.X.X.S.X.X..XXXX

stay tuned for What Would You Do (Black miami Spice #4 remix) b sides by City High / NPLR494.